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From very early in my career, Arthogryposis has been at its center.  For the past 13 years, I successfully developed and expanded the Arthrogryposis Center where patients from all over the country and many parts of the world would come to seek treatment.  I am proud to be the medical director and board member of the Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita Support Inc ( since 2008 and a speaker at every conference since 2007. 

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AMC 101 Parts 1 and 2

AMC 101 Parts 1 and 2

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AMCSI Presents: AMC 101 with Dr. Harold van Bosse

AMCSI Presents: AMC 101 with Dr. Harold van Bosse

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Introduction to Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita: Part 1 of 3

Introduction to Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita: Part 1 of 3

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"My name is Patty Giri and I am from Nepal. I was born with severe bilateral club feet and a defect in my right foot that caused constant infections.  The doctors here in Nepal did all that they could do for me, and finally were ready to amputate my right foot.  In 2012 I went to America to seek treatment.  That’s when I met Dr. Van Bosse.  Dr VB came up with a plan to help me.  It has been 10 years since that first day and because of Dr Van Bosse,  I am able to walk with my own 2 feet and have been infection free for 6 years now."
"It was such a blessing for me to be his patient."


Condition: Bruck syndrome. Several surgeries were performed with remarkable progress. We are really grateful for the treatment. The prognosis was that he would never stand up and currently he walks with the help of his splints and a walker all thanks to Doctor Harold

"Condición: síndrome de Bruck.  Se le realizó varias cirugías con un notable avance. Realmente estamos agradecidos con el tratamiento. El pronóstico era que el nunca de pondría de pie y actualmente él camina con ayuda de sus férulas y un caminador todo gracias al Doctor Harold" 

Leo from Mexico

Dr. VanBosse "Let's let him grow and show us what he can do!"


  •  "I don't know what to tell you. What you see is what you get."

  •  "We can remove the femur, rotate the lower leg and he'll learn to walk with a prosthesis" (rotationplasty)

West Virginia

"We left everything in San Luis Potosi, Mexico and moved here so that my son would have the best care in the world, and the best care can only be given by  Dr. van Bosse!"

Moved to Philly from Mexico for care

 "The doctors we visited said it was a very complicated case so we found out about Doctor Van Bosse, we had to wait 2 years for a assessment and two more years to start treatment. It was very difficult to wait 4 years but it was worth it and the results are incredible, not only did it give him the opportunity to walk, it gave him the security so that Eder would have his legs in the right position."

Eder, Mexico

"People LOVE Dr. vB!"

Brian, OK

"We love Dr. vB"

Abby,  South Carolina

"Dr Vb is our hero in Rohin's journey. He is an extraordinary doctor who has been drilled deeply in our hearts. Dr Vb have lightened so many lives. I recall in 2010 Rohin was just fee mths old baby. All the doctors gave up on Rohin and when we flew there, Dr vb was out 1st Dr who gave us so much of love and faith about Rohin.


Dr vanBosse is the person responsible for giving my son the ability to walk. Other doctors told me he would never walk, but Dr VB progressed him from only being able to sit, then to stand, then to walk and then to run using a walker in under 2 years. My story is not unique, there are Many more families with the exact same story... they all said no, but Dr VB said Yes. He has given life changing abilities to So many kids. His care is not limited to the OR, this man genuinely takes care not only of his patients, but the family as well. He takes his time to answer every question an overwhelmed parent has, and we never once felt rushed .


We have a lot to thank you for. He is an  angel sent from heaven for many families. Thanks

Tenemos mucho que agradecerle. Es un  ángel enviado del cielo para muchas familias. Gracias


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